Quiz 4 guide + answers to Quiz 3
Quiz 4 guide
6 questions from EMG lab.
Make sure you go over entire theory of EMG lab from lab manal.
3 identification questions from dorsal view of cat (can be sudivided into parts)
1 question from upcoming lab.
Answers to quiz 3
QUIZ # 3: Muscular Anatomy.
Q1: Which of the following muscles have same function? (10)
1. Temporalis
2. Masseterc
3. Digastric
4. Sternocleidomastoid
Options: a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 4
d) 2 and 4
Ans1: a) 1 and 2
Q2: _________________ of muscles (any one) exists as a single muscle in human in contrast to cat
A2: Trapezius or deltoid
Q3: a) ____superficial fascia____ is loose connective tissue that binds skin to muscle.
b) The movement where there is straightening of joint (or spine) that results in an increase of the angle of a joint is called ___extension_____ (5 points each)
Q4 & 5: Identify muscles on HE Man. (10 points each)
A4: sartorius or vastus lateralis (A muscle that is not to be remembered was labelled, so I am giving points to those who identified muscles closest to tensor fasciae latae)
A5: vastus medialis
Q 6 to Q 10: Identify muscles on cat (10 points each)
A6 semitendenosus
A7 mylohyoideus
A8 flexor carpi radialis
A9 pectoralis major
A10 sartorius